3月3日,据路透社报道, 辉瑞首席执行官Albert Bourla 表示,若特朗普政府实施针对进口药品的25%关税政策,该公司可能将部分海外生产基地转移至美国现有工厂。这一表态直接回应了特朗普政府近期对制药行业的施压,旨在推动制造业回流美国。
The hiring of a former top FDA official amplifies "revolving door" criticism at the worst possible time, STAT's Adam ...
外电报道,美国药厂辉瑞(PFE.US)行政总裁Albert Bourla表示,公司在有需要时或可把海外生产搬回美国现有厂房,又指在美国拥有生产网络的企业,在需要把生产转至美国以避免关税的情况下处境会较好。
CEO Albert Bourla said on Monday that the drugmaker could move some of its overseas manufacturing to its U.S. plants if ...
Eli Lilly also responded to the President's tariff warnings by investing $27 billion to construct four manufacturing ...
"I was expecting him probably to win. It was very big win," Pfizer's CEO Albert Bourla said of President Donald Trump's ...
美国总统特朗普声称将对进口药品加征关税之际,辉瑞首席执行官Albert Bourla表示,表示如果有需要的话,集团准备好把美国以外的生产线迁回美国。他没有提及具体时间表,指出集团的搬厂决定端视特朗普政府最终决策。Bourla指,公司目前在美国有10个生产基地及2间分配中心,生产基地产能使用率良好。
Novo Nordisk just cut the price of its weight-loss drug, Wegovy, by more than half for patients who pay without insurance.
U.S. President Donald Trump has issued a memorandum directing federal agencies to restrict inbound and outbound investments ...
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla announced the possibility of shifting overseas manufacturing to U.S. plants. This response is due to ...
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said on Monday the drugmaker might move overseas manufacturing to its existing plants in the United ...