The Brazilian state hosting a United Nations climate summit this year has denied any connection between a new road cutting ...
Singapore has expressed an interest to be an anchor contributor to the fund, Brazil says. Read more at
The host of the next UN climate summit is launching a massive investment fund for forestry as part of a grand vision for ...
Authorities say that the global leaders talking before the COP30 summit will enable climate negotiators to reflect on their ...
The summit of heads of state in Belém, Pará, has been brought forward to Nov. 6–7. It was originally to take place within the ...
Brazil’s Belém is set to play host to around 50,000 people during the COP30, the UN’s annual climate summit, in November.
The Brazilian state of Para, set to host a UN climate summit, denies any link between a new highway project cutting through protected rainforest and the upcoming COP30. Despite official statements, ...
A BBC report found on Wednesday that tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazonian rainforest are being cleared ahead of ...
In a letter outlining his vision for Brazil's climate summit, the COP30 president calls for a "new era" with collective work ...
As Brazil clears the Amazon for a highway to host COP30, questions arise over whether such a move undermines the summit’s ...
新华社里约热内卢2月27日电(记者赵焱 陈威华)《联合国气候变化框架公约》第三十次缔约方大会(COP30)候任主席安德烈·科雷亚·多拉戈27日在 ...
新华社里约热内卢2月27日电(记者赵焱陈威华)《联合国气候变化框架公约》第三十次缔约方大会(COP30)候任主席安德烈·科雷亚·多拉戈27日在一个网络新闻发布会上表示,中国在全球应对气候变化问题方面发挥着非常重要的作用。 在被问及美国对气候变化 ...