Taiwan actress, singer and host Barbie Hsu, also known as Big S, has passed away at the age of 48. Taiwan actress, singer and ...
总统赖清德今天(27日)小年夜下午1时30分,与内政部长刘世芳、警政署长张荣兴、台北市政府警察局局长李西河等人,亲赴台北市政府警察局中正第一分局颁赠春节加菜金,慰劳员警过去一整年的勤务辛劳,感谢他们在维护治安、打击犯罪以及处理集会游行等方面的付出和贡 ...
Rescue and relief efforts are underway after a 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck China's Taiwan at midnight Tuesday, with no ...
台湾应继续提高“国防”预算,强化“国防”力量。请问对此有何评论? Question: According to the “Taiwan Central News Agency”, Lai Ching-te, leader of the Taiwan region recently said that countries like China and Russia threaten the rule ...
BEIJING, 26 ene (Xinhua) -- Un temblor de magnitud 5,1 sacudió la ciudad de Tainan, en Taiwan, China, a las 07:38 de hoy ...
“Taiwan Bistro热炒168”是菲尼克斯一家深受附近台积电工厂员工欢迎的菜馆。 Cassidy Araiza for The New York Times 在亚利桑那州的荒漠里,赫然耸立着一座新落成的微芯片工厂,海伦·王(音)下班后开车回家,开始她的副业:为渴望家乡味道的台湾同事做辛辣牛肉汤和 ...