Famed American folklorist and ethnomusicologist Alan Lomax dedicated his life to archiving ... Traveling throughout the South and then abroad, his field recordings were subsequently released ...
John Lomax or Alan Lomax are the names that most remember when it comes to collecting recordings of American folk music. But it was Robert W. Gordon that first undertook serious field-recording trips.
In 1938 Jelly Roll Morton, a major New Orleans jazz pioneer, sat down for a series of extensive interviews and performances with a young folklorist named Alan Lomax. Sound recordings of these ...
Shirley Collins: Alan Lomax, Field Recordings and Travelling the StatesShirley Collins: Alan Lomax, Field Recordings and Travelling the States ...
Whether you just dip into The Complete Library of Congress Recordings or sit down with ... Perhaps most of all, you'll be deeply grateful to Alan Lomax for his foresight in preserving Morton's ...