Imagine a young Barry Bonds, bat in his hand, standing at the plate with the sound of a crowd buzzing around. The post MLB ...
Barry Bonds is baseball's all-time most decorated hitter, but after 18 years since retiring from MLB, his confidence hasn't gone anywhere. The last time Bonds hit a home run at the professional ...
Bonds played a long 22 year career that started in 1986 with the Pittsburgh Pirates and ended with the San Francisco Giants ...
Shohei Ohtani has captivated the baseball world as both a hitter and pitcher across his seven-year MLB career, but one of the best players to ever swing a baseball bat, Barry Bonds, feels that the ...
One of the greatest hitters of all time, Barry Bonds, has not played in the MLB for nearly two decades. However, the San Francisco Giants icon made a bold claim about his hitting ability.
But when Barry Bonds says it, we should probably listen. During a recent appearance on the All The Smoke Podcast with former NBA athletes Stephen Jackson and Matt Barnes, the seven-time NL MVP was ...