Biacore作为分子互作“金标准”技术,已广泛应用于基础科研、药物研发生产以及物质检测等多个领域,累计发表文章超4万篇,被收录进中国、美国与日本药典。全球超过80%的上市抗体药物都采用了Biacore技术进行研发和申报。国内近期多个上市药物同样均采用了 ...
Biacore 8 series is a 16 flow-cell SPR platform that comes in two system configurations: Biacore™ 8K for high-throughput screening and characterization and Biacore™ 8K+ for a significantly higher ...
Biacore T200 can be used to monitor almost any molecular interactions as long as one of the interacting partner can be immobilized on a sensor surface. It characterizes molecules in terms of the ...