In the p53 pathway, signals such as DNA damage induce the ARF (also known as p14 in humans and p19 in mice) product of the CDKN2A locus. ARF increases p53 levels by sequestering MDM2, which ...
突变可能有多面向 深入研究后,正常食道鳞状上皮细胞失去CDKN2A基因时,会促进巴瑞氏食道症发展,但也会防止另一个关键抑癌基因p53缺损。因病变细胞同时丧失CDKN2A和p53基因,竞争力被削弱,生长优势不如周围仍有p53基因的细胞。另一方面,若癌细胞于食道癌 ...
The researchers discovered that cells that were at risk of developing cancer but lost both p53 and CDKN2A were weaker and less able to compete with nearby cells, which stopped cancer from spreading.
Loss of p53 strongly drives the progression of disease from Barrett’s to cancer. The team found that potentially cancerous cells that lost both CDKN2A and p53 were weakened and unable to compete ...
In case of CDKN1A (1:50, MA5-14949, Live Technologies), CDKN2A (1:200, ab108349, Abcam), and p53 (1:100, LS-B7723, LSBio, Shirley, USA) antigens were demasked with 10 mM citrate buffer (16 h, 65°C).