I ntel has a bad reputation when it comes to modern CPUs. The 14th Gen Intel Core launch wasn't great and the CPUs had ...
Intel has pushed back its efficiency-focused Clearwater Forest server CPU to 2026. While the Intel 18A process is performing ...
While there are some rumours that Nova Lake will be built on Intel's future 14A node, that is rather speculative, what with ...
It's speculated that next-gen Intel Nova Lake and AMD Zen 6 processors will have many more cores than current Arrow Lake and ...
If Intel hopes to survive the next few years as a freestanding company and return to its role as innovator, it can not afford ...
Intel confirms its next-generation Panther Lake CPUs will arrive in 2H 2025, after that we'll see Nova Lake CPUs in 2026 to better compete with AMD.
We see potential in Intel's stagnant market cap, citing core CPU segment strength and possible turnaround. See why we ...
It is often said that companies – particularly large companies with enormous IT budgets – do not buy products, they buy ...
Whatever your stance on environmental conservation as a whole, you have to agree that generating millions of tons of e-waste ...
Intel's first-quarter revenue forecast on Thursday missed analyst estimates, as the chipmaker grapples with tepid demand for ...
快科技2月2日消息,尽管2024年第四季度财报表现不佳,但Intel的制造工艺、产品并未停歇,各项工作依然在积极推进。被外界寄予厚望,备受期待的Intel 18A工艺也将在今年下半年问世。Intel在2024年第四季度的财报电话会议上证实,针对客户端CPU细分市场的产品正在按照计划进行。按照Intel联合首席执行官Michelle Johnston Holthaus的说法,Intel的下一代面向移 ...