大疆 DJI Action 2 配备1/1.7英寸图像传感器,采用非球面镜片设计,最大光圈为F2.8,视角达到155°,其最近对焦距离大幅缩短,适合拍摄微小物体和细节。
If consider yourself an active person and like to photograph your adventures, check out one of these action cameras while ...
大疆DJI Action 2双屏套装运动相机,小型便携式手持拍摄的利器,不仅防抖防水,还内置了高达128GB的存储容量。 大疆这款相机真的是太酷了!磁吸设计,让组合变得多样又灵活,可以轻松适应各种场景。它的体积超小,就像手表一样大小,非常轻巧时尚 ...
The DJI Action 2 is about half the size of a GoPro Hero 10 Black and still manages to offer nearly the same amount of features, but what truly sets it apart is its magnetic locking system which opens ...
🎉终于,我拥有了梦寐以求的数码装备——大疆DJI Osmo Action 4灵眸运动相机!这款相机不仅炫酷拉风,更是拍摄生活点滴的绝佳工具。😍 📷相机拿在手里,沉甸甸的,非常有分量,质感十足。拍摄效果更是没话说,无论是日常记录还是户外探险,都能轻松应对。