Deepinder Goyal ’s stake in the newly-listed company Zomato has surged to a whopping ₹5,500 crore ($738 million). Goyal, who founded Zomato along with Pankaj Chaddah in 2018, owns about 5.5% ...
Deepinder Goyal, the visionary CEO of Zomato ... A year after their marriage, in 2008, Deepinder co-founded Zomato with his close friend Pankaj Chaddah. Their family grew in 2013 when they ...
Deepinder Goyal, the visionary CEO of Zomato ... A year later, Deepinder co-founded Zomato with his close friend, Pankaj Chaddah, and the couple welcomed their daughter, Sitara, in 2013.
Pankaj Chaddah, also an IIT-Delhi graduate, became friends with Deepinder Goyal when they were both ... Ten years after he co-founded Zomato, Pankaj hung his boots at the foodtech unicorn, stating ...