Jesus said: "I desire the confidence of My ... Open each day with the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy then say the prayer for the day's intention: Eternal Father, I offer You to Body and Blood ...
Jesus asked that the Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded by a Divine Mercy Novena which would begin on Good Friday. "On each day of the novena you will bring to My heart a different group of ...
We’re calling it Operation Divine Mercy, not just because of the name of the adoration chapel or the time of year we’re doing it, but because of the truth that Jesus’ making himself so ...
“The Divine Mercy is truly miraculous, without a doubt. Having a deeper and more intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus is ...
When I see them, I give them a packet that contains a rosary, a pamphlet on how to pray the rosary, a Divine Mercy prayer card, miraculous medal, a Sacred Heart of Jesus badge, and a letter of ...