While I'm a big fan of exploring the Doctor's history both on TV and in expanded media, it's also important to remember the very title of our favorite show. When it began, the character of the ...
From timey-wimey guns to galaxy-shattering explosions, the Doctor Who universe is home to some of the most powerful weapons in all of pop-culture. WhatCulture is part of Future plc, an ...
When the Doctor gets involved in Earth's history, the textbooks tend to get chucked out the Tardis door pretty quickly. Throughout its 58-year-history, the BBC time travelling series Doctor Who ...
Among the most sought after props are likely to be David Tennant's aforementioned Time Lord tux, worn in select special ...
Bidding to start at £100 for over 150 Doctor Who lots, including the Doctors’ costumes and Donna Noble’s wedding dress ...
From Susan to Amy Pond to Yaz, there have been SO MANY companions throughout Doctor Who history. But who's most likely to return to the show in the near future? 10 Huge Star Wars Moments That ...
Matt Smith had a tough task in following David Tennant, but these episodes prove the Eleventh Doctor was just as good. The jump from David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor to Matt Smith’s Eleventh is ...
Doctor Who, of course, has history with both: Clara Oswald arrived ‘early’ before getting official companion status, while Peter Capaldi showed up in ‘The Fires of Pompeii’ as Lucius ...
Fancy owning a piece of Who history? Well, here’s your chance! The BBC has announced an incredible charity auction featuring over 150 iconic props and costumes from modern Doctor Who. All net proceeds ...