Archbishop Georgios on Monday said Eoka Day marked on April 1 should be a wakeup call for imitation for Cyprus to “end its struggle for liberation”. His brief statements to journalists were ...
of the EOKA terrorist group, British authority on Cyprus put a price of $14,000 on the head of Markos Kyriacou Drakos, 24. Last week, on a lightning-swept -night in the mountains of Troodos ...
insist that if Britain gives up Cyprus, the island must be partitioned between Greece and Turkey. The obvious danger was that Foot’s plan might end EOKA violence only to set off a new wave of ...
Back in Cyprus, he led the Eoka paramilitary group, which fought to unite Cyprus with Greece, between 1955 and 1959, and believed that Archbishop Markarios III’s renouncing of ‘enosis ...
With the help of the Greek junta Grivas returns secretly to Cyprus in ... Makarios establishes a loyal tactical police reserve that manages to arrest many members of Eoka B, which has been ...