Bison from the Wichita National Bison Herd, southwestern Oklahoma. Courtesy of The Library of Congress It’s an animal that struck these European observers as similar to the Water Buffalo of ...
Caption Male European bison (Bison bonasus) fed to a Polar bear (Ursus maritimus). Three European bison (one male and two females) from this group have been released in Azerbaijan and Romania in ...
If cow belches and farts are so bad, why didn’t the vast herds of 60 million bison roaming the U.S. West before the 1880s ...
"According to the ministry’s estimates, the free-living, or living in the wild, population of European bison in Russia will increase up to 500 animals by the yearend and to 1,000 animals within ...
The missing link in the ecosystem The European bison is a charismatic animal with a long-standing heritage in Romanian history and culture and is loved by the public. For restoring European ecosystems ...
"The European bison is the largest living mammal in Europe ... The results show significant differences between animal species and seasons of the year. Thus, woody plants are preferentially ...
European Bison, typically a forest-dependent species ... herbivores by blocking their access to water sources. Fencing off animals into ever smaller pockets of land creates a phenomenon called ...
Bison ranger Donovan Wright said releasing the animals into their new home "was an incredible moment." He said: "The matriarch led the younger females into their new home, making a beeline for the ...