Is it true that your tooth shape and other things may dictate how you’re supposed to floss? Dental experts recommend flossing teeth at least once a day, ideally before bed. The goal is to remove ...
Flossing your teeth at least once a week may reduce your risk of stroke and irregular heartbeat, according to a preliminary study to be presented next week at the American Stroke Association’s ...
Flossing your teeth just once a week can lower your chance of having a stroke, a study suggests. Scientists suspect that the chore may have greater benefits than just keeping the teeth and gums ...
Regular dental flossing reduces the risk of a stroke, according to new research. People who floss their teeth at least once a ...
Flossing your teeth at least once a week may be linked to a lower risk of stroke caused by a blood clot blocking brain blood ...
“We aimed to determine which oral hygiene behavior — dental flossing, brushing or regular dentist visits — has the greatest impact on stroke prevention.” ‘22% lower risk of ischemic #strok ...
Flossing protects your brain, as well as your gums, a new study suggests. People who floss their teeth at least once a week are reducing their risk of stroke caused by a blood clot, researchers ...
Previous studies have shown a link between oral health, oral infection and damage to white matter and small blood vessels in the brain, as well as to a buildup of plaque in the arteries that supply ...
People who regularly floss their teeth (one or more times per week) may lower their risk of stroke caused by a blood clot traveling from the heart and a stroke associated with an irregular heartbeat ...