Today, 107 years after the first great communist revolution, the country in which it took place has become a corrupt, aggressive, quasi-fascist dictatorship. Other remnants of communist power ...
Morgan had insisted on deeming Ms. Sarkar a supporter of Barack Obama, to which she responded by yelling, “He’s not my hero . . . I’m literally a Communist!” — a response for which she ...
During the Great Depression, the spread of communist ideas in Canada represented damnation to some Canadians and salvation to others. The Canadian government found communist supporters convenient ...
In 1933, a young Melbourne communist scaled a moving tram to distract police while his comrade locked himself in a steel cage ...
This statement challenges US President Donald Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again," and advocates for the disestablishment of the existing political system. This design is created and sponsored ...
Pankhurst's programme for the new British Communist Party was expressive of the "ultra-left" tendency that criticised working within the existing bourgeois structures of trade union bureaucracies and ...