Becoming friends with your favorite Sanrio characters involves learning their likes and giving them their favorite gifts, all ...
Notably, you can use the upgraded pizza oven to cook up the Ultimate Joke Pizza, which is Badtz-maru’s favorite gift to get.
Looking for rubber in Hello Kitty Island Adventure? Rubber is one of the main resources in the game, but it’s devilishly well ...
To unlock the camera in Hello Kitty Island Adventure you need to complete Pochacco's 'Gudetama Snap' quest. This quest only ...
The three Hello Kitty Island Adventure yellow power crystals are hard to find, but don’t give up; without the yellow crystals ...
To solve the Crystal Conundrum puzzle in Hello Kitty Island Adventure you need to open the door by triggering the two purple ...
Players could time travel in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, but they might not want to considering the risks. Here is what to ...
Hello Kitty Island Adventure boasts a variety of locations for players to explore. During exploration, you will often meet ...
Sanrio characters aren't all peaceful and adorable, and Retsuko is a shining example of this. Sometimes known as Aggretusko, ...
Hello Kitty Island Adventure is extremely sensitive to time travel. If you do it, you risk comprising your game save for ...
I found a lot of joy in Hello Kitty Island Adventure when I first started playing its closed beta for IGN’s guide, way back ...
In Hello Kitty Island Adventure, 'The Laziest Egg' is a weekly quest that asks players to find a strange tophat Gudetama.