But how many candles are on a menorah and what do the menorah candles mean? More than you may know. Jewish people around the world light Hanukkah candles to celebrate an ancient miracle ...
Archaeologists in Jerusalem have discovered a 1,700-year-old oil lamp decorated with rare Jewish artwork, including a unique menorah — a surprise given that the Roman Empire had tried to suppress the ...
It took three attempts — with the crowd’s encouraging laughter — but Monday night marked the first time a Lehigh University president helped light a menorah to mark Hanukkah. About 100 ...
Despite windy conditions, community members and leaders successfully lit six candles on the menorah, starting with the center candle called the shamash, which is Hebrew for “helper” or “attendant.” ...
They later found a small amount of untainted olive oil to light the temple’s menorah — a golden candelabra with seven branches that symbolize knowledge and creation. The candelabra ...
As the menorah glowed brightly, its light served as a reminder of hope and endurance— a beacon that will shine for the remaining seven nights of Hanukkah. With this public celebration ...