Cruel Jaws, Orca, and Dark Tide are among the worst shark and horror movies that ripped off Steven Spielberg's classic Jaws.
Jaws may have been one of the most epic gifts of creativity and imagination combined but one aspect of the film always ...
When the original Jaws was released, it proved (just like The Godfather) that movies can be better than the books they’re ...
As drones have increasingly taken to the skies above the seas, we've gained new insight as to what's below the water. Perhaps ...
"Shark! The Interactive Musical," took to the stage Jan. 30-31, in a performance where the audience helps decide the ending.
With Steven Spielberg at the helm, Jaws is one of the best movies in film history, featuring great acting, writing, cinematography, and incredible visual effects with a mechanical shark monster.
New operator Bill Hanney says shut Cape Cod Mall cinemas will reopen in weeks, as licenses are transferred from Regal; summer ...
Anyone growing up in the 1970s in a coastal town like Charleston may recall the unprecedented dread of the beach in the wake ...
Officials say a “Jaws” celebration pitched last January in Aquinnah — a potential 10-day affair with film icons Steven ...
The original show was directed by the multi award winning Guy Masterson and Martha Geelan has stayed faithful to this in ...
Jaws is on pause. The shark is broken, again, and the actors Robert Shaw (Quint), Richard Dreyfuss (Hooper) and Roy Scheider ...