Education institution UCplus has launched the project “Learn Danish Through Literature,” combining Danish culture with language learning. Supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, the project invites ...
If English is your first language, Danish is not a difficult language to learn. The alphabet is the same as the English one but with three additional vowels - Æ,Ø and Å. It is fairly easy for an ...
Stavekontrolden - word list with 160,132 Danish words. Used, e.g., for spelling suggestion in LibreOffice. Licensed under GPL, LPGL, and MPL. The Concise Danish Dictionary/The Comprehensive Danish ...
Build machine-readable version of Otto Kalkar's "Dictionary of the Old Danish Language". Currently work-in-progress, but the goal is to offer JSON dataset with ...
Illustration photo. A new committee is to work towards more foreign language teaching in Denmark. Photo: Søren Bidstrup/Ritzau Scanpix A new Danish committee comprising health authorities, ...