Most students begin their study of calculus during their first semester at the College. For most, Calculus I (MATH 111) is the right place to start, but for students wither strong calculus backgrounds ...
Applications to physics, economics and geometry are highlighted. Successful completion of Math 111 is awarded 4 semester hours of credit. The lecture sections of the course meet 3 times a week for 50 ...
The Mathematics department will occasionally allow courses taken from other Boston College departments to count as electives for the mathematics major. Such courses will be decided upon before the ...
Placement in an appropriate initial math course is crucial to your success at Michigan Tech. Our goal is to place you into the course that will provide the best opportunity to complete your degree in ...
Serves as a first course in calculus. Functions, limits, continuity, derivatives, rules for differentiation of algebraic and transcendental function; chain rule, implicit differentiation, related rate ...
MATH 1103 Calculus II (Math and Science Majors), or MATH 1105 Calculus II-AP (Math and Science Majors), or an equivalent (e.g., five on the Calculus BC AP exam). Required Course Substitution Notes ...
Placement in an appropriate initial math course is crucial to your success at Michigan Tech. Our goal is to place you into the course that will provide the best opportunity to complete your degree in ...
For students enrolled before June 2024: Business majors may take either the Business Calculus sequence (Math 30 and 31), or the first two courses in the Science/Engineering Calculus sequence (Math 11 ...
The purpose of the Math Placement Assessment (MPA) is to make sure that students begin their mathematical studies at UD in a course for which they are prepared and in which they can succeed. In that ...
North Carolina is among a handful of states to see a bump in middle school math scores on a recent national assessment, new ...