The first snowblower to clear the streets was purchased by the City of Montreal nearly 100 years ago, in 1928.
A snow blower works to blow snow onto a dump truck on a narrow street during the first of three waves needed to clear one side of Benny St. in the N.D.G. district of Montreal, on Thursday ...
Each blower is filling a 45-foot extended dump truck in one minute ... Unlike other municipalities that are facing issues finding a place to put all the snow, Montreal has adequate dumping sites to ...
Montreal just got hit with two consecutive winter storms, which dumped a record-breaking 75 centimetres of snow on the city over four days ... block of ice in the coming hours and if we go with a ...
The challenge facing Montreal snow-removal crews this week is without precedent ... A city official marvelled recently that the size of the snowbanks means the blower will need to pass two or even ...
Each blower is filling a 45-foot extended dump ... that are facing issues finding a place to put all the snow, Montreal has adequate dumping sites to handle the load, Sabourin said.