自NVIDIA推出RTX50系列显卡以来,市场一直呈现出供不应求的状态,同时价格也出现了明显的溢价现象。无论是高端型号如RTX5080和RTX5090,还是中端型号如RTX5070Ti和RTX5070,实际售价普遍比官方建议零售价高出30%到40 ...
Nvidia has not officially confirmed the existence of the lower-end RTX 50-series cards, but based on previous graphics card ...
酷爱折腾搞机的各位可曾想过,将内存条插在显卡上给显存「续杯」是一种什么体验? 如果换做此前,以小忆认知储备这俩堪比来自银河太阳系与半人马超星系团的两个跨物种存在,以目前地球科技它们断然是不可能联系在一起滴。 直到看见最近一国外公司 Bo ...
As Nvidia seems to fumble the launch of the RTX 50-series, we wonder whether this is just a slow start or if the entire ...
近日,有消息显示,在某知名硬件性能测试平台的排行榜中,NVIDIA新一代RTX50系列显卡的表现未能超越上一代产品。例如,旗舰级的RTX5090在测试中的成绩甚至不及前代的RTX4090。针对这一现象,相关测试机构通过深入调查 ...
For all that, it's still not necessarily a bad card—it's a little faster than the $599 4070 Super at the same $549 price that ...
Nvidia 's recent Game Ready Drivers have come with a list of issues, which appear to have begun with the launch of its RTX ...
AMD’s answer to Nvidia’s RTX 50-series GPUs is arriving next week — and its new graphics cards are aggressively priced ...
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024: This notoriously demanding title runs at a comfy 77.9 FPS average on the RTX 5080. Given the ...