Skunks can lose their stripes—and now we might know why Skunks can lose their stripes—and now we might know why Meet the newest species of tarantula. It’s electric blue. Meet the newest ...
This story appears in the November 2017 issue of National Geographic magazine ... one of the largest flying animals yet discovered, nearly as tall as a giraffe, with a 35-foot wingspan and ...
This story appears in the March 2019 issue of National Geographic magazine. If there were a competition for the world’s weirdest insect ... the hidden world of animals that most people never ...
This story appears in the October 2019 issue of National Geographic magazine. At 14 to 19 feet tall, giraffes tower over the entire animal kingdom. But their iconic height, which evolved over ...
This story appears in the June 2019 issue of National Geographic magazine. The mating ritual of the moorland hawker dragonfly—common around the ponds and wetlands of Europe, Asia, and North ...
The animal's status in the region had been unknown during a quarter-century of violent conflict that halted conservation work. Many feared the worst. But in 2007, National Geographic Explorer-in ...