Osami Nagano is Chief of Japan’s Naval Staff, and last week his Navy was up to no good in the South Pacific ... That certainly sounded like a big battle. Said the Secretary, sharply: “A ...
US Air Force and Navy restore historic WWII-era airfield on Tinian in the Pacific. The airfield was a key launching point for ...
Gunnery Sgt. John Basilone, one of World War II’s most decorated Marines, received the Medal of Honor and the Navy Cross ...
Athens resident Rodney Davis will speak on a WWII battle this Saturday as he shares his knowledge of the famous conflict.
Navy pilot John Leppla was credited with shooting down five Japanese aircraft in aerial combat before he was shot down and ...
ESCONDIDO, Calif. — Ed Monnie, a World War II veteran and former Navy medic, celebrated his 100th birthday in Escondido ...