of the OXPHOS subunits are encoded by the nuclear genome. There are also several nuclear gene products that regulate mitochondrial gene expression 21. Amost all of these genes have been ...
1. 澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学的研究发现,抑制线粒体氧化磷酸化(oxphos)能抑制糖酵解功能健全的结直肠癌(crc)细胞的增殖和致瘤性。 2. 研究结果显示 ...
The number of identified pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations has largely increased over the past 15 years. Recently, much attention has turned to the investigation of nuclear oxidative ...
Mitoribosomes are present in the mitochondria of all eukaryotic cells. Their function is to allow the translation of mitochondrial mRNA that exclusively encodes components of the oxidative ...
2017. The molecular evolutionary dynamics of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) genes in Hymenoptera. BMC evolutionary biology, 17(1), p.269. Katoh, K., and Standley, D.M., 2013. MAFFT multiple ...
This lactylation process influences gene transcription and adds a novel variable to the regulation of gene expression ... Quiescent T cells primarily utilize oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) for ...
Conclusion This work elucidated the potential prognostic marker for SLE. Since OXPHOS consists of the electron transport chain, a functional unit in mitochondria, these findings suggest the importance ...
A typical example refers to Warburg effect, preference of glycolysis as energy source rather than oxidized phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in spite of sufficient oxygen presence. This process requires its ...