编者按: 2024年1月5日,彭博社发布了对OpenAI CEO Sam Altman最全面的一次专访。这次对话不仅揭示了ChatGPT背后惊人的商业化转型历程,更首次详细披露了一个AI研究机构如何在60天内实现从0到月收入3亿美元的跨越。本文将深入解读OpenAI的商业化之路,为AI企业和创业者提供第一手的经验启示。
In a freewheeling interview with Bloomberg, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman took it out on the company's board members, who abruptly sacked him in November 2023. At the time, the board claimed that it "no ...
A new company called Stargate, which combines some of the largest names in the artificial intelligence industry, was announced by President Donald Trump.