Does former Sen. Bob Menendez have anything to offer President Donald Trump that could prompt a pardon? Probably not.
美国前国会参议员鲍勃·梅嫩德斯(Bob Menendez)星期三(1月29日)被判处11年监禁,罪因是收受包括金条在内的贿赂,以换取为埃及和新泽西州商人提供好处。
The former U.S. senator from New Jersey was convicted in July of accepting bribes including gold bars, cash, and a ...
Robert Menendez, a 71-year-old Democrat from New Jersey, was convicted of extortion, obstruction of justice and accepting bribes to perform favors for businessmen with connections to Egypt and Qatar.
Will Trump pardon Menendez? Will Menendez be on the Pardon List of Shame? Will Trump pardon Mrs. Menendez if she is convicted ...
NEW YORK — Former U.S. senator Bob Menendez on Wednesday was sentenced to 11 years in prison for operating what prosecutors called one of the most brazen corruption schemes in the country’s ...
Once a three-term senator who chaired the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Menendez sat before a federal judge in downtown Manhattan on Wednesday, flanked by lawyers and at times ...
Former U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez was sentenced Wednesday to 11 years in prison for accepting bribes of gold and cash and acting as an agent of Egypt — crimes his lawyer said he’s been mocked for ...
He’s a goldmine of hypocrisy. Disgraced former New Jersey senator Bob Menendez is saying “Trump was right” about political prosecutions in the wake of receiving an 11-year sentence in his ...
Bob Menendez, who represented N.J. in Congress for 31 years, appealed his conviction and sentence to the U.S. Court of Appeals 2nd Circuit.