Jobs was also skilled at persuading and motivating his people. But as Apple grew, Jobs’s deficiencies caused problems. His ...
The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs. If you want to put on a show like Steve Jobs, here’s how. Passion is everything. You can have the greatest idea in the world, but if you’re not ...
Five steps for effective rehearsals. When it comes to delivering extraordinary presentations, few could compete with Steve Jobs. "Steve was a natural," according to Bill Gates on a recent episode ...
In 1998, an event occurred that would pivot the course of digital connectivity forever. It began with Cees Links, a ...
AAPL co-founder Steve Jobs once dramatically rejected the first ... As per Chaudhary, during the initial presentation of the iPod prototype, Jobs examined the device and deemed it too large.
In a well-documented 1985 interview, Steve Jobs shared his thoughts on hiring the right people. You know, those highly capable, super creative, and smart individuals who will perform well and drive ...