F ew speeches stand the test of time, but Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford University commencement address isn't just remembered—it's studied, quoted, and dissected like scripture for the modern ...
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.” ...
It's a well-known speech, and one of Jobs' most notable public appearances. It's a short speech, but it still highlights Jobs' considerable strengths as a storyteller and inspirational leader.
Then, Jobs dropped a reality check: one day, you will die. A year before the speech, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given three to six months to live. He spent the day preparing for ...
Matthew Panzarino has published a summary of a “lost” Steve Jobs speech from 1983 uncovered in its entirety by Marcel Brown. Brown was given a cassette tape with the full recording of a speech Steve ...
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were alternately allies ... spoke to the audience—the pauses at just the right moments, the speech dappled with humor, the sheer performative theater of it—Gates ...
Speaking at the commencement ceremony at Duke University, Cook encouraged the students in attendance to learn from the example set by Apple founder Steve Jobs ... also used the speech as an ...