From humble beginnings in the service of the princes of Gwynedd, the Tudor family rose steadily to royal stock. The Tudor ...
Tour the land of St David, patron saint of Wales, via the ‘finest port in Christendom’ and Fishguard – the site of Britain’s ...
It surveys the art, taste, and, here and there, the politics of the Tudor dynasty. It begins, personality-wise, with Henry VII, who emerges as king after a savage civil war -- the War of the Roses ...
The effigy head of the founder of the Tudor dynasty is one of the finest examples of its kind to have survived to the present day For hundreds of years historians have marvelled at the effigy of ...
The Tudor era saw unprecedented upheaval in England. Between them the five Tudor kings and queens introduced huge changes that are still with us today. The years between the crowning of Henry VII ...
From tumultuous love affairs to violent betrayals, the six wives of Henry VIII all left marks on the Tudor dynasty – and shaped the course of history. READ MORE about these women here ...
Interestingly, the medieval period in Britain begins with a battle. In 1066 CE, the Battle of Hastings marked the beginning ...
Judging by the slew of new Tudor-inspired films and TV shows hitting our screens, there is apparently no other period in history. Sorry, not sorry. Just as the Roman ...
The foundation of the Tudor dynasty. Under Henry VIII Wales and England left the Roman Catholic Church, and one consequence was the translation of the Bible into Welsh. The Battle of Bosworth in ...
The Tudor royal dynasty began with King Henry VII acceding to the throne of England, Wales and Ireland in 1485, and ended with the childless death of Elizabeth I in 1603. They are famed for taking ...