2020年1月, 上海市同仁医院联合上海市浦东医院 在Oncology Reports(IF3.8001/3区)期刊上发表了一篇论文。在 发表5年后 ,因 与自己2019年发表的论文图片重复 在pubpeer上被读者质疑。
D tumoroid models transform cancer research, accurately reflecting tumor biology and enabling effective drug testing and ...
According to research, PSAT1, PSRC1, COLEC12, HP, and PLLP may play a role in small cell lung cancer metabolism, immune ...
Two enzyme inhibitors join forces in reducing bladder cancer cell proliferation. n 1996, molecular biologist Kun Ping Lu, a ...
Researchers have discovered how a particular protein affects the growth and spread of colon cancer in humans. The study not ...
Findings indicate that altering glucose metabolism in T cells boosts their therapeutic potential against melanoma, paving the way for improved immunotherapies.