Civil War. Axis strategy in Yugoslavia, as elsewhere, has been to create disunity that would lead to the annihilation of “inferior” peoples. German agents supply arms to Slovenian “White ...
A political and economic crisis brought Yugoslavia to war. When the dust settled, it split into six countries: Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Macedonia.
The International War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) Human rights organizations can document the abuses taking place in Kosovo, and the international community can take steps to ...
Paulus testified that Hitler told him in the summer of 1941 that Germany would lose the war unless she seized Russia's oil fields. A Yugoslav War Crimes Commission filed formal charges of treason ...
It grew into producing small arms as well. During World War II, Zastava produced trucks under license by Ford for use by the Royal Yugoslav Army. Following the end of World War II, Yugo began ...
The attack on civilians in Racak is one in a long series of war crimes committed by the Yugoslav Army and Serbian police during the Kosovo conflict. Since February 1998, government troops have ...
The Yugoslav War Crimes Commission has indicted Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler, a Nazi named Schwartz who was chief of the Oswiecim death camp, and several supervisors at the camp, charging them ...
Serving in the Hague court at the Yugoslavia war crimes tribunal, Weiner prosecuted those responsible for the atrocities committed during the Bosnian War from 1992 through 1995. He lived off and ...
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The former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic is facing three indictments for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide by the United Nations-created International Criminal Tribunal for ...