Will the second Trump administration come undone by an economic policy based on what the British military historian Lawrence ...
Economic confidence deccreased to 107.2 in this month’s Rasmussen Reports Economic Index, more than four points lower than February.
President Donald Trump addressed a joint session of Congress last week, and his speech was significantly more popular with voters than the way Democrats reacted.
Rasmussen Reports is the only nationally recognized public opinion firm that still tracks President Trump's job approval ...
One day before a deadline for Congress to approve a new spending agreement, a majority of voters expect a shutdown of the ...
Forty-five percent (45%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new ...
There are at least three fairly consistent things that we see in midterms compared to presidential elections.— The turnout of eligible voters in midterms is consistently lower than the turnout in the ...
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove.
A more honest way to punish burning of fossil fuel is a carbon tax. "If you want to change people's behavior," says Fisher, ...
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove.