2024年10月31日,第五届全球减贫案例征集活动落下帷幕,由水利部国际经济技术合作交流中心、联合国开发计划署、商务部中国国际经济技术交流中心、可口可乐基金会的“水方案项目”团队和丘北县水务局共同实施的“多方协作开展农村生活污水生态化处理 ...
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El PNUD es fundamental para el Grupo de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (GNUD), una red que abarca 165 países y une los 32 fondos, programas, organismos especializados y otros organismos de las ...
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This summary is generated by Google AI, and its accuracy and relevance may vary. Please consult the detailed list of results for greater precision.
This summary is generated by Google AI, and its accuracy and relevance may vary. Please consult the detailed list of results for greater precision.
This summary is generated by Google AI, and its accuracy and relevance may vary. Please consult the detailed list of results for greater precision.
UNDP気候変動適応アドバイザーとして気候変動適応の最前線で活躍する大司雄介さんに、ツバルでのプロジェクトへの想いや気候変動への取り組みのこれからについて聞きました。 現在の仕事内容について教えてください。 現在、気候変動適応チームに所属 ...
UNDP began its operations in Tajikistan in 1993. Nowadays, Tajikistan is a peaceful and stable country, with a rapidly developing economy. Recovery from the devastating social and economic ...
The story of human development in Asia and the Pacific has been one of long-term progress, but also one of persistent disparity and widespread disruption. The Asia-Pacific region has seen rapid ...
Access to energy in Yemen was limited before the current conflict began nearly a decade ago. Since then, the energy crisis has worsened. Most households in Yemen struggle with irregular access to ...
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