Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee's hotly-anticipated Batman #158 is already a top contender for bestselling comic book of 2025.
Batman is one of the most popular fictional characters of the last century. There’s really no other way to say it. Everyone ...
Typically, the Batmobile is the first Bat-vehicle that springs to mind when one thinks of Batman, but sometimes, the Dark ...
Batman takes on the Riddler in the sequel to the 2024 novel, Batman: Resurrection, which itself is a sequel to Tim Burton's ...
Fans are excited about the new book Batman: Revolution, serving as a sequel to Tim Burton's Batman film. The book introduces ...
Full Moon, that is. Bruce Wayne is a werewolf, Zatanna and Constantine are here, and now they’re going to search for a cure. There have been some up and ...
It's still the early days of 2025, but for this lifelong Batman fan, DC may have just made the announcement of the year with the publisher's reveal that writer Matt Fraction will join artist Jorge ...
Last night at ComicsPro DC confirmed that the fourth-ever relaunch of the primary, solo Batman book (there are of course, dozens upon dozens upon dozens of other Bat-titles, the publisher has ...