The History of Information Graphics follows the course of infographics from the Middle Ages through to more recent design trends For centuries, infographics have served the various needs of designers, ...
Infographics have a long, noble history that began the moment William Playfair invented the chart and ended roughly five minutes after marketers learned how little you could get away with paying a ...
Some 350,000 or more years ago, the group of hominins that would evolve to become Neanderthals and Denisovans left Africa for Eurasia. A few hundred millennia later, about 60,000 to 70,000 years ago, ...
An infographic (below) from InfoTrust explores that evolution, focusing largely on Google Analytics. It also looks at what the future holds for analytics. Ayaz Nanji is a writer, editor, content ...
However, the history of Reddit—which has been rapidly growing in recent years—tends to be less well known. To help understand the evolution of the platform, VizionOnline created an infographic (below) ...
Make physical activity a part of daily life during all stages of life. That is the clear message from the World Health Organisation in this infographic. Regular physical activity is a fundamental ...