Laughter and tears mixed freely as Capt. Van Hubbard recalled the fishing life of Boca Grande in the days gone by, especially ...
The Charlotte County Board of Commissioners will hear recommendations for the future of the Placida Bunkhouse on Tuesday, Feb ...
Last week, the Beacon raised the issue of the hurricane-damaged Sheriff’s Cottage in Boca Grande, which had been moved years ...
BY JAMES J. BLAHA, DIRECTORBOCA GRANDE HISTORY CENTER The Roaring Twenties and The Jazz Age are just a few of the labels that ...
Kathleen and J.T. Turner, as well as Betsy F. Joiner are excited to announce the full re-opening of the historic Boca Grande ...
Top, some might recognize their P.O. boxes in a photo taken Wednesday; above, a door message. Photos by Garland ...
Issues between churches, parking and median strips are not unique to Boca Grande. Nationally, there have been a couple of ...
Crews recently carefully pruned the banyans on Banyan Street, led by Coastline Tree and Lee County’s consultant, Rick Joyce.
Charlotte County is now looking to return the old Placida Bunkhouse back to Placida for restoration, in a site possibly north ...
Daily and monthly traffic totals have been calculated for the Gasparilla Island Bridge Authority for January and February.
An open letter to those Gasparilla neighbors who seek church parking restrictions BY PETER SODERBERGCHAIR OF COUNCIL ...
Parking issues, with cupcakes, in this ‘magical place’ BY JAY WHIPPLE I was outraged at the volume of cars and illegal ...