Join the Anoka County Extension Master Gardeners at our upcoming Home Landscaping and Garden Fair. Choose from over a dozen educational classes, browse creative vendor booths and talk with local ...
Potatoes grow from seed tubers, not true seed. They originated in the Andes and come in a variety of types, colors and shapes. Generally, there are russet types that are starchy with brown skins and ...
Join us for a dairy workshop that will be fun and beneficial for all ages (including adults). Parents and/or guardians should also plan to attend as we will walk you through the 4-H dairy ID’ing ...
Powdery mildew affects over 10,000 plants. Many commonly grown annual and perennial flowering plants, as well as ornamental grasses, can be infected by powdery mildew. Zinnia, phlox, bee balm and ...
Sorrel is an early-season perennial in Minnesota gardens. Sorrel can be eaten fresh or cooked. Sorrel can be started indoors or direct seeded in spring and harvested throughout the growing season.
White-tailed deer feed on gardens, landscape plants and trees, and agricultural crops. Deer damage has a rough or torn appearance. It does not look cleanly clipped. Deer damage is more likely when ...
This fact sheet is part of the Teen talk: a survival guide for parents of teenagers series. The teenage years come with many strong and complex emotions. Teens are learning how to understand these ...
Staking and mulching plants and pinching off infected leaves help keep leaf spot diseases in check. Improve air circulation around plants. Keep leaves dry by watering at the base of the plant. Do not ...
How can you use your subconscious mind to help you focus on the positive in your community? Learn how to ignite your RAS for good. Note: Two for You written transcripts are generated using a ...
The farm finance scorecard helps you see where you are in terms of financial ratios and measurements In the last few decades, much progress has been made to standardize financial statements in ...
Dill grows best in a well drained, slightly acidic soil, rich in organic matter. Dill does not transplant easily. Sow seeds directly into the ground where the plants are to grow. Growing dill indoors ...
The University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener volunteer program started in 1977 with its first class of 25 people. Since then it has grown to include more than 3,100 active master gardeners ...