Shashwat Mishra explores the limits of perception via the Molyneux problem. The Molyneux problem is a philosophical thought experiment that has been the subject of debate for centuries. It poses this ...
Eva Cybulska dispells popular misconceptions about this controversial figure. “Man is a rope, fastened between animal and Übermensch – a rope over an abyss.” For Nietzsche, the idea of Übermensch was ...
Have you ever wondered whether everyone talks about you behind your back? Whether they are all keeping something from you? John McGuire discusses the Cartesian nightmare that is The Truman Show. Every ...
Already in antiquity Poseidonius stressed the idea that ‘man’ is by nature indispensably dependent on culture. Poseidonius was probably the first author to use the expression ‘second nature’, as a ...
Audren Layeux follows the doomed quest for state emancipation of the self. The contemporary world has given birth to a growing feeling of helplessness. Globalisation, once portrayed as promising a ...
Van Harvey on the metaphysical aspects of an anti-metaphysical philosophy. Friedrich Nietzsche shared at least one fundamental concern with the religions and metaphysical systems that he so criticized ...
Ramsey McNabb introduces moral particularism. Usually, when someone is called a ‘person of principle’ it is meant as a compliment. For the most part, we take that phrase as applying to the ethical ...
Shamanistic shyster or intellectual innovator, creative charlatan or exalted pioneer of philosophy – however one views him, Pythagoras remains the most famous name at the starting gate of Western ...
The story of Russell’s philosophical account of the evils of German politics starts with the chaotic jingoism of the First World War. Prior to 1914, German scholarship had been widely respected in ...
Samuel Kaldas compares two views on the nature of animals and their implications for our moral responsibility towards them. “No one understands animals who does not see that every one of them, even ...
The philosophical counseling movement started during the early Eighties in Europe and the US. It seemed to be a zeitgeist phenomenon: the time was ripe, and a number of people around the world who had ...
Alan Brody reviews The Metaphysics of Mind by Anthony Kenny. The most famous theory in the philosophy of mind is René Descartes’ view that each human being consists of a mind (which is a non-physical, ...