É difícil imaginar que o corpo (humano ou de qualquer ser vivo) possa reagir preventivamente a uma escala de tempo muito superior à própria vida, preparando-se, por exemplo, do ponto de vista fisiológ ...
Of the 19.4 million people treated in Brazilian hospitals each year, 1.3 million suffer at least one side effect caused by negligence or carelessness during their medical treatment. It could mean a ...
Born in Lima, climatologist José Antonio Marengo received a degree in physics and meteorology in Peru and spent eight years in the United States, where he completed a PhD and two postdoctoral ...
Em 1977, ao entrar na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Pará, Pedro Vasconcelos planejava se tornar cirurgião cardíaco, mas desistiu ao assistir a uma cirurgia e concluir que não ...
Miguel Nicolelis guarda com carinho a memória dos jogos de futebol e brincadeiras no parque paulistano do Ibirapuera quando menino. No dia 11 de março ele voltou ao Ibirapuera, desta vez como ...
Nearly five years after signing the purchase contract for the next-generation Gripen Swedish fighters that will soon be joining the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) fleet, the first jet is ready to fly. It’s ...
Dutch epidemiologist Lex Bouter is one of the world’s leading experts on research integrity. Since 2013, he has been developing studies on the subject, seeking to assess researchers’ involvement in ...
A study carried out by researchers from the School of Business Administration at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) has analyzed the influence of predatory journals—international open ...
Uma touca inflável, desenvolvida pelo grupo do médico Renato Rozental, pesquisador da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) e da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), poderá salvar a vida de ...