Donald Trump has jettisoned the existing world order and the U.S. is backing away from decades-old alliances. Europe has no choice but to fend for itself.
For 80 years, the United States was the undisputed leader of Western democracies. But Donald Trump is discarding allies and values in favor of power and money as he steers America into the camp of the ...
Political scientist John Mearsheimer is convinced that the U.S. government under Trump wants to leave Europe to concentrate on China. Germany, he says, must assume responsibility for its own security.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been playing the role of a Ukrainian Winston Churchill, confidently defending his country with Western support. Now, Donald Trump has flipped the script.
Iran needs hard currency for its military and to re-arm Hezbollah. Tehran is now apparently seeking to access billions of dollars that lie frozen in the accounts of a subsidiary of the German stock ...
In his new book, "The World After Gaza," Indian author Pankaj Mishra is sharply critical of Western support for Israel's war in Gaza. He is particularly disapproving of German politics and memory ...
Reporter Wael Al-Dahdouh lost half of his family in the war in Gaza. The entire world was watching as he embraced the dead body of his grandchild. His reaction to the loss brought him fame ...
With the iPhone 16e, Apple has launched a new middle-class device. The 5G chip it uses was largely developed in Munich. DER SPIEGEL spoke with those behind the novelty. Initially, Tim Cook’s ...
Das meistverkaufte Produkt der Marke Volkswagen ist nicht etwa der Golf. Nein, es ist die Currywurst. Während der Autoabsatz ...
Für Bundesbank-Chef Joachim Nagel gibt das Sondierungspapier von Union und SPD offenbar Anlass zur Sorge. Er fürchtet, die Verschuldungsspielräume könnten genutzt werden, um Haushaltslöcher zu stopfen ...
Robert Habeck stützt den harten Kurs der Grünenspitze gegen das Schuldenpaket von CDU, CSU und SPD. »Sie scheren sich nicht um die Zukunft, Klimaschutz, Generationengerechtigkeit«, sagte der Noch-Vize ...
»Wir haben keine Zeit zu verlieren«: Ab Donnerstag werden Union und SPD laut Carsten Linnemann einen Koalitionsvertrag aushandeln. Der CDU-Generalsekretär kündigt auch Gespräche mit den Grünen an – un ...