Fashion is largely a form of self-expression, often driven by the word `change'. In this contemporary world customers' preferences are changing dramatically pertaining to ubiquitous fashion trends.
Tech Driven Parking Solutions with B2B & B2C Approach. The global smart parking systems market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 2 ...
The health technology industry is experiencing fast growth spurred by AI, big data, and personalized medicine. Globally, a push for digital healthcare solutions such as telemedicine and AI-driven ...
I ndia's climate tech landscape is advancing rapidly, with startups driving innovation to combat climate change, support net-zero ambitions, and embed sustainability into industries. Among the young ...
The global fashion industry is booming with new trends emerging every few days, and old styles making a fashionable come-back under the guise of 'retro' and 'vintage' vibes. This dynamic sector is ...
Out of 5 employees in India, one individual is suffering from mental depression at workplace. The healthcare professionals blamed the organizations for little to zero percent employee support system ...
We will not 'recycle' our way out of the plastic pollution crisis: we need a systemic transformation to achieve the transition to a circular economy - Inger Andersen, UNEP Executive Director. The ...
This corporate driven urban life is always searching for a calm and rejuvenating place where they can sit and relax after a vigorous brainstorming session at office. Home is the storehouse of energy ...
Gen Z is revolutionizing e-sports, thus, the sports world is heading toward a moment of truth with a new and creative vision. They are the novel game changers in the market inventing innovation to ...
Despite the wide range of financial tools available, the industry often lacks consistent, personalized guidance, and prioritizes product sales over genuine advice. Recognizing this gap, Hexawealth ...
We are living in age defined by robust technological advancements and emerging business landscapes where digital transformation consulting has become a heart for every business striving to stay ...
As worlds fourth largest country in the retail space, India is one of the most developing and promising marketplace in global destination. Global players and multinational companies precisely keeping ...