Das Hauptprogramm des 55. Forums trifft mit 30 Filmen aus fünf Kontinenten – darunter sieben Spielfilmdebüts – auf eine Welt und ihre Menschen in schlechter Verfassung. „Die Diversität filmischer ...
None of the Bears may be awarded ex aequo. The Jury may not award more than one prize to the same film, except in the case of the acting awards, which may be awarded in addition to any other prize ...
Due to a database changeover, it is no longer possible to log in with a previous Berlinale account. We therefore kindly ask you to create a new account. Please use a ...
Bei den 75. Internationalen Filmfestspielen Berlin wird der Filmwissenschaftler und Künstlerische Direktor der Deutschen Kinemathek Rainer Rother mit der Berlinale Kamera geehrt. Berlinale-Intentandin ...
At the 75th Berlin International Film Festival, film expert and Artistic Director of the Deutsche Kinemathek Rainer Rother will be honoured with the Berlinale Camera. Berlinale director Tricia Tuttle ...
The winner of the Golden Bear qualifies for being eligible for next year's short film Oscar®. Silver Bear Jury Prize (Short Film) Berlinale Shorts CUPRA Filmmaker Award, endowed with 20,000 euros the ...
The Berlinale is a unique place of artistic exploration and entertainment. It is one of the largest public film festivals in the world, attracting tens of thousands of visitors from around the globe ...
The 55th Forum main programme comprises 30 films from five continents – including seven feature debuts – and encounters a world and its people that are in a bad state. “Sounding out a diverse range of ...
Die Freischaltung der Akkreditiertentickets erfolgt ab dem 12. Februar 2025 täglich um 7:30 Uhr (MEZ) für alle Veranstaltungen, die zwei Tage später stattfinden. (Am 12. Februar um 7:30 Uhr werden die ...
When the mysterious woman in the room next door disappears, a debonair 70-year-old ex-spy living in a luxury hotel on the Côte d’Azur is confronted by the demons and darlings of a lurid past in which ...