内在和外在的自主式自我修复机制、材料设计、应用(混凝土、聚合物、轮胎、储能)和主要市场参与者 ...
Light commercial vehicles (LCVs) used for the transportation of goods are following the trends of the wider automotive market in their rising electrification. IDTechEx's latest report, "Electric Light ...
Autonomous intrinsic and extrinsic self-healing mechanisms, material design, applications (concrete, polymers, tires, energy storage) and key market players ...
Granular ten-year volume and market size market forecasts by 6 in-cabin sensors. Overview of regulatory requirements and roadmap of sensor adoption for in-cabin sensing.
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本报告对包括硅光子在内的光子集成电路行业进行了分类。报告概述了主要市场参与者、新兴材料(如薄膜铌酸锂和钛酸钡)以及关键应用(如人工智能),并据此预测硅光子和光子集成电路(PIC)市场的增长。IDTechEx还探讨了包括可编程光子学、光子量子 ...
LoginForgot password?Send Reset LinkBack to login. 8.2.11. Overview of the perovskite/silicon tandem PV market 8.2.12. Major companies targeting both perovskite thin film and perovskite/silicon tandem ...
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IDTechEx conducts detailed examinations of emerging technologies based on extensive primary research carried out by our technical analysts around the world. IDTechEx market intelligence interpreted ...