Can the Democratic Party be Pulled to the Left? The recent Democratic presidential primaries generated record turnouts and far more interest than usual. The highlight of this intense race was the ...
Since Bush stole the election in 2000, we have witnessed tax cuts for the rich, massive layoffs, cutbacks in social programs, and war on Afghanistan and Iraq. More money and troops are being shipped ...
With the collapse of Stalinism in the former-USSR, and the removal of the threat of Soviet-backed regimes coming to power in the colonial and ex-colonial world, Islamic fundamentalism has replaced ...
‘The Environment’ is an expression which can cover many things – from food chains in a forest to damp and condensation in a council flat. Across the whole of the planet, it is a very complex system of ...
It was against this hostile background that the gay rights movement in the U.S. came into existence. In 1948, Harry Hay, a gay man and long-standing member of the U.S. Communist Party (CP), decided to ...
On the eve of the revolution of 1925-27, China was an extremely backward society that had not completed what Marxists call the tasks of the capitalist revolution: i) a thoroughgoing land reform giving ...
The Middle East, like Latin America, Africa and Asia, has long been subject to domination by the major capitalist powers. This region, more than any other, has occupied a pivotal position in world ...