On RSS general secretary Dattatreya Hosabale's pitch for Bharat, J&K CM Omar Abdullah says the country is known by its three ...
BanglaSpeech2Text: An open-source offline speech-to-text package for Bangla language. Fine-tuned on the latest whisper speech to text model for optimal performance.
If you are looking for a gadgets support center nearby to solve all your device problems, then we have you sorted with this best service center in Kanpur. Lal Bangla Kanpur (Authorised Service Center) ...
Alliance has two ministers in the four-party executive at Stormont, with Long serving as justice minister and Andrew Muir as agriculture minister. In her conference speech, Long warned party ...
After dating for 4 long years, the two parted ways in 2023 ... calling it 20 years of time pass, in his wedding speech. Soon after Tara’s mother shared this note, many internet users came ...
But, taken together, an AFP analysis of nearly 2,100 speeches dating back to March 1953, of which 80 percent are by men, reveals winners most often thank the Academy, their family, the film crew ...
The Authority has developed close working relationships with its counterpart authorities in other Australian jurisdictions such as the Long Service Leave Authority established under the Long Service ...
and even in the Bangladesh Civil Service or BCS question papers. In the ninth chapter (page 133) on 'United Nations and Bangladesh' of the ninth-tenth grade 'Bangladesh and World Introduction' ...
An estimated 2.8 million Americans sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and one in 60 people in the United States lives with a TBI-related disability. Dealing with the long-term effects of brain ...