Disclaimer: This is just my take. Sheldon, from The Big Bang Theory, is a character people have debated for years, and this is just my perspective.
It stars Jim Parsons as Sheldon Cooper, Johny Galecki as Leonard Hofstadter, Kunal Nayyar as Rajesh Koothrappali, and Simon ...
a behavioral pattern that quickly became shorthanded as "Sheldon's Spot." Not just in the apartment, either, but pretty much wherever he felt the need to be precise, including bathroom urinals.
Sheldon’s “spot” factored into several hilarious ... All three characters were on the periphery of the main social group in The Big Bang Theory. The main group included Leonard Hofstadter ...
The events of Young Sheldon may have taken place before The Big Bang Theory, but some characters and actors eventually made ...
F olks of a certain persuasion often had a, shall we say, contentious relationship with "The Big Bang Theory" when it was airing on CBS. The exaggerated characterization and humor ...
News of another Big Bang Theory spin-off after Young Sheldon was met with a mixed reception. Many were quick to question the necessity for yet another show based on the hit sitcom, which ran for ...
Sounds Like Sheldon Cooper's "Spot" Might Come From Chuck Lorre's Superstition Outside of TV and film executives, chairs with people's names on them aren't exactly the most common, so obvious ...