Background Blebs significantly increase rupture risk of intracranial aneurysms. Radiomic analysis offers a robust characterization of the aneurysm wall. However, the unique radiomic profile of various ...
The presence of aneurysm blebs significantly increases the risk of rupture. Although radiomics has been previously utilized to assess intracranial aneurysms (IAs), the radiomic profiling (RP) of ...
ROCK-I is known to stimulate actomyosin-based contractility. Once cleaved, ROCK-I is constitutively active and is responsible for bleb formation in apoptotic cells. Caspases are known to be ...
Five leaking filtering blebs, occurring between 10 months and 21 years after trabeculectomy, were closed with cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive. Filtering bleb integrity was preserved in four cases, so ...
Endothelial blebs were noted as dark shadows or defects in the endothelial mosaic in patients with recurrent uveitis. There was significant statistical difference in the mean cell size and cell ...