An incensed Bob Knight — angry at the referees, the Big Ten, all the world as a whole and most especially his own basketball team — picked up a chair off the Indiana bench and flung it across ...
Izzo’s first Big Ten win — 65-60 over Bob Knight’s Indiana program nearly three decades ago — was both a depressing occasion and defining moment for Michigan State’s then first-year head coach.
It's been four decades since Bob Knight threw the chair across the Assembly Hall floor, and it's the seat Mike Woodson will sit in vs Purdue. BLOOMINGTON — Forty years to the day after Bob ...
It has been 40 years since Bobby Knight infamously threw a chair across the court in anger, and Indiana found a great way to commemorate the infamous incident. Indiana on Saturday hosted Purdue ...
It has been 40 years since Bob Knight infamously threw a chair across the court in anger, and Indiana found a great way to commemorate the infamous incident. Indiana on Saturday hosted Purdue ...